
Building Competence in Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance among APEC Economies

One issue of special concern now days for public health for all the APEC economies is the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR),
associated to food animal productions. Considering these in 2015 Chile successfully implemented under the Sub-Committee of Standard and
Conformance (SCSC)/FSCF the project CTI 25 2014A Coordinated Research Initiative for the Implementation of Antimicrobial Resistance Control
Strategies. A workshop was held in October 2015 in Chile, in order to lay the foundations and economies’ needs for establishing a Resistance
Surveillance System in the short term. Awareness about the AMR issue and the importance of generating integrated surveillance systems was
raised during the project. Among the main difficulties that exist in the economies to implement an integrated AMR surveillance program and the
actions that should be taken to accomplish this, a lack of harmonized methodology and expertise of human resources was raised as a concern.
A major outcome of this initiative was the enhancing of the skills and knowledge in the field of AMR susceptibility testing in samples from
food chain for their surveillance. Thus, the technical competences of the scientific and policy makers were also strengthened. Other
results were the creation of a network among system stakeholders, scientists, regulators and policy makers working in the laboratory
area of AMR from different economies with the aim of increasing networking initiatives and future collaboration, especially for
developing economies in the APEC region that could help in the future to more targeting collaboration between APEC economies and the
identification of the state of development in AMR surveillance through the food chain in APEC economies through a conducted survey was
established and will help to prioritize future endeavors and collaboration in this area. This project show how collaboration among different
government’s areas (Agriculture and Health) can collaborate with a University in the development of strategies for actions against AMR.


Vergara E. C., Cornejo Kelly J, Lapierre L., and Hormazábal JC

Abstract | PDF

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