
Present Record of the Meeting - Pharmaceutical Science Congress

A sincere gratitude to our keynote leaders, plenary leaders, industry participants, teachers, organizations, media representatives and visitors on behalf of the members of the conference committee for making Pharmaceutical Sciences a fruitful academic forum in 2019.

Between July 05-06, 2019- the 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems was conducted at the Holiday Inn Paris organized by AAC in Paris, France. Benevolent response and active involvement were obtained from representatives of the Editorial Board representing Foreign Journals as well as from leading scientific scientists, academics, medical scholars, students and pharmaceutical industry experts who rendered this event a success.

The conference was distinguished by the participation of youthful and ambitious scholars, industry representatives and creative student groups from more than 5 nations, who have pushed this event into the road to success. The conference presented emerging retroviral studies across varied workshops.


Victor S Dorodny

Abstract | PDF

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